Ventus 2c 15+18m

  • 95.000,00 Euro €
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 04/02/2025
    • Hoogeveen, Netherlands
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Motorisierung: Ohne
Gesamtstunden: 3055
Gesamtstarts: 1415
Anzahl der Sitze: 1
E-Variometer: LX8000
Funk/Radio: KRT2
Baujahr/Year of construction: 1995
Hänger/Trailer: Cobra GFK 1-axle
Spannweite/Wingspread: 15+18
Zuladung: 70-110
ARC bis/until: new
Werknummer/Serial Number: 1

Schempp-Hirth Ventus 2c 15m + 18m


PH-1524 - HX

Bj 1995, s/n 1

Refinished PU outside + cockpit at Glider Service. Simply beautiful.

Nose and CG tow hooks

Cockpit load 70-110 kg

Approx. 3055 h and 1415 flights

Blue tinted canopy

Tilt-up instrument panel



Winter ASI + ALT

Bohli vario

Transponder TRT800

VHF radio KRT2 8,33


Flap indicator LED
2x LiFePO4 battery



Cobra GFK top, single axle, refinished in PU

Current Dutch registration
Tail dolly

Wing stand

Tow bar and wing wheel


Aircraft and trailer are in a very good condition.

Current record holder in the Netherlands of 100, 300 and 500 out & return in 15m class, and 300 in 18m class.

The aircraft has had two light repairs done at LTB SCT (Terlet), no heavy damages.

Sale without (some) instruments or without trailer would be negotiable.

Located in Hoogeveen, Netherlands. (EHHO)

Price € 95.000 VHB

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