Standard cirrus + trailer

  • 16.000,00 Euro €
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 16/03/2025
    • France
This ad has been viewed: 146 times

Motorisierung: Ohne
Gesamtstunden: 4705
Gesamtstarts: 2160
Anzahl der Sitze: 1
E-Variometer: helios
Funk/Radio: 8.33
Baujahr/Year of construction: 1981
Hänger/Trailer: yes
Spannweite/Wingspread: 15
Zuladung: 72-106 kg
ARC bis/until: 19/08/2025
Werknummer/Serial Number: 229

Pierrelatte gliding club is selling his std cirrus due to a fleet evolution

Manufacturer: VTC Model: Standard Cirrus 75 Registration: F-CDOV (ED)
Year of construction: 1981
Serial number: 229
Hours: ± 4705
Starts: ± 2160
ARC valid until 19/08/2025 (can be renewed before sale)
PU painted in 2018 - in a very good general condition, some smalls imperfections are visible.
Pilot mass, min 72 kg / max 106 kg
Radio Dittel KRT2 8.33MHZ
Altimeter Jaeger 212
Winter 6FMS 221
Winter 5STV 5
LX Helios
Ball Riecker Phila 1040
Compas Airpath
2 x LifePo batteries
Nose hook (Tost E85): 160 launch remaining
Winch hook (Tost S72): 9 launch remaining
Harness Gadringer valid until 2028
Canopy cover
All weather covers
Winglets (non easa certified)
Custom made towing equipment (wing wheel, towing bar and a tail dolly)

Price : 16k€ trailer included

More pictures here :

The glider is visible at pierrelatte airfield (LFHD), France

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