"almost new" glider SZD-51-1 "Junior" for sale

  • 40.000,00 Euro €
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 26/02/2025
    • Międzybrodzie Żywieckie, śląskie, Poland
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Motorisierung: Ohne
Gesamtstunden: 2495:43
Gesamtstarts: 5420
Anzahl der Sitze: 1
Baujahr/Year of construction: 1992
Hänger/Trailer: No
Spannweite/Wingspread: 15m
ARC bis/until: 22.10.2025
Werknummer/Serial Number: B-2008

Price offer for sale of a glider:
- type/model: SZD-51-1 "Junior",
- serial no.: B-2008,
- year of production: 1992,
- total flight hours: 2495:43 FH (current life time of SZD-51-1 "Junior" up to 12.000FH)
- new control cables,
- front release hook Tost E75 and bottom TOST G72 after overhaul,
- pilot seat belt SZD after overhaul,
- equipment: basic PZL instruments (airspeed indicator, altimeter, turn and slip indicator, pneumatic variometer, compensator, compass) and equipment (microphone, loudspeaker).

Sale price of glider is 40.000-41.000 EUR (higher price include 8,33kHz KRT-2 radio, lower price is without radio). Price is negotiable.
Private owner, purchase on sale agreement (no Invoice!!). Cost of duty is borne by buyer.

Glider was repaired, repainted with PU paint, new canopy, repainted interior of pilot's cockpit, annual inspection and ARC review was performed. New CofA was issued.

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