• 14.300,00 Euro €
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20/09/2024
    • Dolany Nad Vltavou, Ke škole 304, Dolany nad Vltavou, LKSZ Sazená, Czech Republic
This ad has been viewed: 246 times

Motorisierung: Ohne
Gesamtstunden: 2171h27min
Gesamtstarts: 1013
Anzahl der Sitze: 1
E-Variometer: EFA 1
Funk/Radio: KRT 2833
Baujahr/Year of construction: 1980
Hänger/Trailer: YES
Spannweite/Wingspread: 15m
Zuladung: 70-110kg
ARC bis/until: 25.07.2025
Werknummer/Serial Number: 4049

The cheapest flap plane with nice performance.

Glider is ready to fly.

Cockpit is comfortable for long pilots. I have 193cm.

Water ballast working.

Painting is 6/10.

Private owner.

Include of canopy cover, wing wheel, tow bar and water barrel.


Price is 14.300 Eur

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