Dust canopy cover for single or two seater gliders

  • 120,00 Euro €
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 02/09/2024
    • Vicchio, Florence, Tuscany, Italy
This ad has been viewed: 67 times

Dust canopy cover KYP single or two seater gliders. 

High quality elastic and ladderproof fabric.

The elastic threads to bind the cover are not sewn but fastened with Velcro straps. So they can be easily removed for a wash even in the washing machine.

This product is totally hand made in Italy by Kyloyankeepapa.

Available models:

Dust canopy single seat "A" fuselage

Dust canopy single seat "B" fuselage

Dust canopy cover two seater gliders

Dust canopy cover two seater ASK13

Prices from € 120,00 

SHIP TO UE --> about 12 €


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