very nice ASW 27 b

  • 70.000,00 Pound £
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 09/08/2024
    • Netley Abbey, Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom
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Motorisierung: Ohne
Gesamtstunden: 1475
Gesamtstarts: 481
Anzahl der Sitze: 1
E-Variometer: lx 9070
Funk/Radio: Becker
Baujahr/Year of construction: 2000
Hänger/Trailer: cobra
Spannweite/Wingspread: 15m
Zuladung: 110 kg
ARC bis/until: may 25
Werknummer/Serial Number: 27136

my ASW27b was refurbished in poland about 10 years ago and has hardly flown since. it has a nice panel with LX 9070 with Hawk, ADC 57, Becker 833 radio, mountain high O2 with 2 kevlar bottles, cobra trailer, solo tow gear, vertigo covers, many spares,bug wipers etc etc really well eqiped and in great condition100

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